Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Positive change number one - diet

My first, and I think my biggest change for the better - diet.

I'd usually eat a smaller salad with dinner, but more often than not, it was a very small portion of the meal - dwarfed by a mound of instant potatoes, formerly frozen vegetables, and a big piece of meat that was slathered with oil and put on the grill.
The plate pictured in this post is one of my more frequent dinners these days - dark salad greens, two carrots, two pieces of celery, half a green pepper, and a piece of broiled salmon. If it's been a particularly active day, I'll add couscous.

Lunch used to be a sandwich from work, featuring meat and cheese, with a handfull of potato chips. These days it's a garden salad from work, light on the dressing, with added mushrooms and spinach.

Breakfast used to be coffee. More often than not, a mocha.
The coffee is still there - my morning mocha is the one refined sugar luxury that I allow myself daily. But now it's preceded by a fresh fruit smoothy made of three or four kinds of fruit, blended with orange juice and Greek yogurt.

Snacks used to be my biggest guilty pleasure. In a week, I might polish off two bags of Doritos, three or four Snickers bars. Then there were the cookies, bars, ice cream, all kinds of buttered toast...
These days, the toast is grain toast with Greek yogurt, peanut butter, or sun butter. I'll usually have two pieces of one or the other in a day.
My other snack choices are usually nuts, fruit, carrot sticks, a glass of milk, or another smoothy.

And if I want a sweet, creamy dessert, last night I found what might be my new go-to dish.
I took about a cup of Greek yogurt, stuck it in the freezer for about ten minutes, drizzled it with about a teaspoon of honey, and a handfull of diced, fresh strawberries. As long as I don't over do it, that strikes me as a pretty awesome way to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Every time I eat, I'm faced with the option of eating something good or bad. Every trip to the store, I'm met with the temptation to buy junk food...
Sometimes it's a tough choice, sometimes it's easy, and sometimes I'll slip. But when it's totaled up, my diet has improved by leaps and bounds when compared with the way I've eaten in the last few years.

Checking in.

Just checking in with a picture and my weight, as of the morning of Tuesday, March 1st.
189 lbs, which puts me 10 lbs lighter than a month ago, and 3lbs lighter than my post last Tuesday.

I was starting to be pretty hungry most the time, which is where I know I usually cave when I'm losing weight. I've met my appetite in the middle and added more protein back to my diet in the form of yogurt, instead of just nuts, fish, and the small amount of ground beef on my heavier workout days.

I might add a scrambled egg to breakfast, too. It all adds up to more fat and calories than what I've had for the last month, but it's likely to be a more healthy, sustainable middle ground.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hi. I'm Nate, and I have a problem.

As it stands, I'm 5'10" and 192 pounds. My kitchen, bedroom... In fact, my whole house is a mess. Most days, I only brush my teeth in the morning. I never put my clothes away right after cleaning them, I don't do the dishes near frequently enough, and I have a terrible habit of being late.

Under a month ago, I was sitting on the cusp of 200 pounds - a line I don't have any good excuse to cross. A radical change in diet and adding more exercise has me losing weight and building muscle and endurance at a rate I'm not going to scoff at. Everyone knows how to get in better shape - less bad food, more fresh fruits and veggies, more exercise... It's simple math. We also know plenty of other aspects of our lives that need work.

And so we reach the founding premise for this journal - the idea that I know many things I need to do to improve my life, but I leave it for later in the name of being comfortable now. Each week, I plan to post my weight, a picture of myself, and notes on things I've done to improve my life, both now and in the future.

And because these efforts are publicized, if I start slacking, I guess the egg is going to find my face.